I have been a fan of Bejeweled 2 from the moment it came out. It really never occurred to me that it could be made better. How wrong I was. From the first moment I played Bejeweled 3 I was hooked. Its hours of fun. Great graphics. I dont really know anything about the sounds, as I always play with them off. Im not sure why previous reviewers were under the impression that its not full screen. All you have to do is go to the options menu and check it. Simple as that. So far Ive only played on my Macbook Pro. I better its even better on the big screen of my iMac. This game is WELL worth the $20. If you were a fan of the previous version of Bejeweled, then youll love this newer version. If youve never played before, then get ready for an experience like never before. Dare I wonder whether the future holds a Bejeweled 4?
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